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Thrive On
Kidney disease treatments the fit your lifestyle.

Treatment Options for Kidney Disease

Everyone feels a swirl of conflicting emotions when beginning dialysis. But you may be surprised to find out how many choices you have—ones that can fit into the life you want to live.
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Learn about dialysis

What is dialysis?

Dialysis is a life-extending treatment that removes waste, toxins and excess fluid from blood to help people thrive with end stage renal disease (ESRD).
In Center Hemodialysis

In-center hemodialysis 

Surrounded by a caring team during treatment, all centers offer daytime dialysis. But many offer treatment at night, too—a good choice for those who work.
dialysis at home benefits

Benefits of home dialysis

Learn why 91% of nephrologists would choose home dialysis for themselves over another dialysis option. Better health outcomes are at the top of the list.
Home Peritoneal Dialysis

At-home peritoneal dialysis 

If you want to travel or work, this option offers the most flexibility—and, of course, there’s no place like home. It can usually be done without care-partner support.
Home Dialysis

At-home hemodialysis 

At-home hemodialysis allows you to dialyze on a schedule that’s right for you—whether it’s day or night. Care partner support may be needed.
home dialysis treatment information

Your access is your lifeline

Make sure you have the best access type for you.
other kidney failure treatment options

Considering kidney transplant

A successful kidney transplant is the closest thing to natural kidney function and the best ESRD treatment option whenever possible.

making a plan for dialysis

Making a plan

From cost-planning to medications to weather-related emergencies, planning ahead will help you.

What to think about when choosing a dialysis treatment

Most people can choose from any of the dialysis treatments offered. So what will fit your life best? Here are a few things to consider:

dialysis treatment time and frequency

Treatment Frequency/Length

How often and how long are treatments?

convenience of dialysis


How flexible does your treatment schedule need to be?
diet considerations for dialysis

Diet/Fluid Intake

What diet and fluid restrictions may be needed?
travel considerations for dialysis


What treatment choices are best if you want to travel for work or pleasure?

dialysis access considerations


Where will the access site be placed to perform dialysis, and what will it look like?
medication considerations for dialysis


What medicines are required?
impact on life when on dialysis

Impact on Life and Others

How will the treatment process affect your job, activities, family, and care partners?