Why choose home dialysis?

Home dialysis may offer the option of more frequent dialysis treatments. This allows for less fluid to build up in your body between treatments and more closely resembles natural kidney function. If prescribed by your doctor, more frequent treatments may lead to fewer food restrictions, less medication, and better health outcomes. Your doctor will work with you to determine the best treatment schedule to fit your health and lifestyle needs so you can live the life you love.

Which treatment option is best for you?

There are two options for dialysis treatment at home—home peritoneal dialysis (PD) and home hemodialysis (HD). When considering starting or switching to home dialysis, talk to your doctor about which is the best treatment option for you.

Home peritoneal dialysis

Peritoneal dialysis uses blood vessels in the lining of your abdomen—the peritoneum—to naturally filter waste from your blood. A cleaning solution is sent through a PD catheter. It absorbs waste and toxins from your blood vessels and is discarded.

  • There are no needles during treatment, and your blood never leaves your body
  • You can do PD on your own, without a care partner
  • PD helps retain any remaining kidney function
  • You can do PD almost anywhere—at home, at work, and while traveling
  • PD can be done with a machine through Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD) or without a machine through Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)
  • CAPD can be done without electricity or running water, which comes in handy for travel or in an emergency
  • Home PD also gives you all the same benefits of home HD

Home hemodialysis

During hemodialysis, the machine uses fluid to remove waste from your blood, then delivers clean blood back to your body. The basic process is the same as in-center HD, only it’s done in the comfort of your home with slightly different equipment.

  • You can choose how to time your treatments to have more flexibility for social activities, work, hobbies, or school
  • You save on travel time and transportation costs to and from the center
  • You may have more freedom with your diet depending on your prescribed treatment schedule

Explore your home dialysis options

When you’re considering home dialysis, it’s important to make sure you have all the information you need to make the best treatment decision for you. Get the facts about the different home dialysis options before getting started.

We’re here to support you with our:

Care team

Feel supported by a dedicated team of specialists with regular check-ins and 24/7 access to a nurse by phone.

Online platform

Stay active in your care between visits by checking your health information and treatment progress with PatientHub.

Kidney Care Community

Share experiences, ask questions, and find support from our online community of people living with chronic kidney disease.

Can I do home dialysis by myself?

With our award-winning training, easy-to-use resources, and 24/7 care team support, you can feel confident doing dialysis treatment from the comfort of home—with or without a care partner. In fact, 94% of people who completed our training felt confident starting home dialysis1. During training, you will learn how to set up your equipment, perform home dialysis treatments, keep accurate records, and more.

Ready to ask your doctor if home dialysis is right for you? These questions can help start your conversation.

View questions

Take the first step toward home dialysis

Home dialysis can help you feel better and give you more energy. Fresenius Kidney Care is here to help you feel confident managing your treatment at home. Sign up for a free consultation with one of our home dialysis experts to learn more about your treatment options.

Talk to an expert

1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Chronic kidney disease in the Unites States, 2021.