Helping Your Patients Thrive on Dialysis

Early CKD education promotes healthier patients
In a 7-year study of more than 300,000 kidney disease patients initiating dialysis, participants who received pre-treatment education had, over the first 120 days of treatment, fewer hospitalizations and a lower mortality rate. 1
Our FREE kidney disease education class can help your patients make more informed treatment decisions and feel in control over their condition.

Talk to your patients about home dialysis
Home dialysis offers your patients greater scheduling flexibility, fewer food restrictions and better outcomes—so they can maintain the lifestyles they love while achieving their health goals. Plus, most patients are candidates for home dialysis, even if they start in the hospital or at the center.

More helpful tools and resources for your patients
To support our common goal of better health outcomes and reduce the burden on you and your staff, Fresenius Kidney Care offers a wealth of information to help your patients live well with kidney disease and stay their healthiest.
Refer your patients to our website to explore:
1. Reviriego-Mendoza M, Jiao Y, Larkin J, et al. Options Education Before Initiation of Dialysis is Associated with Improved Hospitalization and Mortality Rates. Abstract presented at: American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week 2017; New Orleans, LA.