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    Thrive On

    Meet Your Peritoneal Dialysis Care Team

    Your home peritoneal dialysis (PD) care team’s goal is not only to keep you at your healthiest, but also to work with you so you can keep doing the things you want to do—whether it’s traveling, working or being with friends and family. You’ll receive support every step of the way. Remember, you are home, but not alone. Ever.
    Your nephrologist

    Your nephrologist

    Your nephrologist (kidney doctor) is in charge of your treatment plan. He or she will prescribe the right medicines, training and equipment for you to do PD successfully. Your nephrologist will also carefully review your progress during treatment and make any necessary adjustments. 
    Peritoneal dialysis nurse

    Your peritoneal dialysis nurse

    Your home-training nurse will also be your ongoing, main PD nurse who will work with your nephrologist and other team members to make sure your treatment plan is going well.

    At first, he or she will teach you how to do at-home PD, including how to take good care of yourself, your equipment and your treatment space. Know that your PD nurse will make sure you have all the steps mastered before you do your treatment on your own. He or she is a great resource for any questions or concerns you may have at any point in your treatment.
    Social Worker

    Your social worker

    At first, dialysis may feel overwhelming since it impacts many areas of your life. Your social worker can help you cope with the emotional ups and downs that come with having a chronic condition. He or she is also your go-to person for everything—insurance questions, work, resources for medicines and financial issues, as well as connecting with local support groups.
    At-Home Peritoneal Dialysis Dietitian

    Your dietitian

    Your renal dietitian will develop a meal plan that is gentle on your kidneys, provides the key nutrients your body needs—and is tailored to the foods you enjoy. Plus doing PD will afford you more flexibility with your plan because you dialyze daily. If you think you're in for bland fare, just check out the tasty recipes of Chef Aaron McCargo, Jr.!
    At-Home Peritoneal Dialysis Customer Service

    Fresenius kidney care customer service team

    This team will work with you to order and manage your dialysis supplies. Your home-training nurse will guide you through this process so you can get off to a smooth start.
    a group of people playing dominos
    Request a home dialysis conversation
    Home dialysis can mean fewer food restrictions, less medication, and more flexibility with treatment schedules.
    Speak to an expert
    a man receiving home dialysis
    Award-winning home dialysis training
    You can live an independent life with 24/7 support whenever you need it.
    Learn more
    Dialysis support network.
    Lean on your loved ones
    Ask for support from family members and friends. A strong support network is a big key to succeeding with your treatment plan.

    Last—and definitely not least—you

    You are, in fact, the star player of your care team. You have an enormous role in whether or not your treatment plan keeps you feeling well and able to do the things you love. Here are some of the things you can do to thrive on PD:

    • Be on time for all your training sessions and stay true to your dialysis treatment schedule.
    • Always complete your full training and treatment time. 
    • Ask questions. Take notes. Learn as much as you can during training and going forward. You can never know too much.
    • Take care of your catheter and exit site. 
    • Take your medicines as prescribed by your doctor.
    • Keep your scheduled doctor and clinic appointments.
    • Follow the customized meal plan given to you by your renal dietitian.
    • Start an exercise routine, if your doctor gives you the okay.
    • Always tell your care team about any changes or concerns you have with your health, your access site and your supplies and equipment.
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